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Marketing Plan for $RAID Token


1. Introduction:


Marketing & Advertising by nature is about showing the right product to the right audience, in the right place, at the right time. But more over, creating successful sales funnels is about consistent and scaling visibility with a unique sales proposition and creating a good USP (unique sales preposition) for collaborations.  We intend to scale in the short term, focus our efforts on normative marketing efforts within the space capitalizing on trending platforms, KOLs while also harnessing the power of our utilities to scale and audience build within the space. Our primary focus however will be on adoption of our utilities and creating mutually beneficial partnerships. In the long-term, we intend to scale our marketing efforts towards a "normie" audience. This means gaining market recognition in the early adopter market on some tradition crypto marketing operations, but to scale outward to a wider audience through a series of well structured sales funnels on non-traditional platforms.


$RAID is aimed at providing stability, security, and scalability in the digital asset space. In this marketing plan, we will outline strategies to promote $RAID effectively, focusing on onboarding key opinion leaders (KOLs), leveraging trending platforms, evolving social media engagement on platforms like TikTok, utilize our own technology innovations to scale, partnerships and utility adoption, and long-term initiatives to establish real-world utilities for retail investors.


2. Target Audience:


  • Early adopters of cryptocurrency

  • Investors seeking stability and scalability

  • Tech-savvy individuals interested in evolving blockchain technology

  • Retail investors looking for long-term investment opportunities


3. Unique Sales Preposition:


$RAID token has developed several unique utilities with RaidTech and TRENDING that we believe we have a strong proposition for prospective investors and scalability over time. Consider that, if you want someone to buy something you are selling, you should ask yourself "What can I do for them?". This extends itself to the reasoning why we have emphasized innovation that is useful to both projects within the space, and known crypto investors. In this way, we are providing value through platforms and tools that make $RAID useful and seen consistently over time.


4. Marketing Strategies:


a. Onboarding Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs):

  • Identify influential figures in the cryptocurrency and finance sectors.

  • Collaborate with KOLs to promote $RAID through sponsored content, endorsements, and partnerships.

  • Utilize their expertise and reach to increase brand awareness and credibility.

  • Leverage their social media presence, blogs, podcasts, and interviews to educate the audience about $RAID's features and benefits.


b. Use of Unconventional Social Media Platforms:​

  • Capitalize on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube which have a wide crypto audience and user base of crypto influencers and less tech savyy investors that are relatively untapped by the typical "degen" market, particularly among more conventional retail investors that are more likely to see the long-term scalability of our products.


c. Innovative Marketing Technology Solutions:

  • We have designed RaidTech to be the fastest shilling tool in existence for shilling on This instantly gives us a leg up against competing communities with the fastests response times to Top CT influencers while also allowing us to maximize tweet volume.

  • We have integrated advanced features such as including the Shill Contest and Target commands to increase community engagement and awareness, maximizing the reach of each individual tweet.

  • We will also utilize TRENDING to offer in the near term, free trending services within the space towards adoption of the platform and developing partnerships and thus further advancement of our ecosystem. 


d. Community Engagement:

  • We have set $RAID up for success within the community engagement category out of the gate have already created a working Shill Army of over 50+ career shillers. These individuals will shill 24-7 on

  • We have also developed our utility assets around tools that allow the $RAID token community to be first responders on and progressively optimize engagement.

  • We expect the $RAID token community to participate in RAID engagement to optimize our army and utilities scaling outward.


e. Mutually Beneficial Partnerships:

  • Solidify partnerships with other cryptocurrencies within the space in a manner that is mutually beneficial. 

  • $RAID token has a strong USP in our marketing tools and innovations, which positions $RAID to being able to solidify partnerships with a "you scratch my back, I scratch your back" approach such as including the use of our TRENDING platform and advertising on RaidTech. 

  • As partnerships evolve, we can look at doing cross community AMAs and Events.


f. Long-Term Real-World Utilities:

  • Develop partnerships with businesses to integrate RaidTech as a resource for promoting their products or services across multiple media platforms. â€‹


g. Organic SEO Marketing:

  • To "Raid" is synonymous with DeFi. The $RAID ticker symbol lends itself quite easily to organize SEO marketing and stand out amongst the crowd in crypto.

  • The simplicity and ease of remembering the ticker symbol $RAID, makes it easily recognizable and memorable.

  • Incorporate $RAID and brand slogans into marketing materials, social media profiles, and branding initiatives consistently to reinforce brand recognition.

  • Leverage repetition by consistently featuring $RAID in promotional campaigns across various channels, reinforcing its association with stability and scalability.


5. Measurement and Evaluation:

  • Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, social media engagement, conversion rates, and user acquisition.

  • Monitor sentiment analysis to gauge public perception and adjust marketing strategies accordingly.

  • Conduct regular surveys and feedback collection to understand user preferences and areas for improvement.

  • Analyze competitor strategies and market trends to stay ahead of the curve and adapt marketing efforts effectively.

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